There are few countries with as wide an array of drum types as India. (Ghana and Vietnam likely share this honor.) Mythology of the Hindu religion claims that the first drum given to man was the damroo (damaru), the drum you see Shiva carry in the dancing Shiva (Shiva Natraja) sculptures. Swing by the New Delhi National Museum and you'll be able to see a small cross-section of this vast repertoire of drums. My only disappointment was that even this collection left out several of the major drum traditions and drums of the south Indian carnatic tradition. More blog entries will follow up for pictures of those excellent traditions.
One notable find in their collection is a rare glass drum in the style of a mridangam. Many Indian drums have a history starting with pottery-bodies. (Tabla, Nagara, etc) This is one exotic collection item I've only seen in one other place in Chennai.
Drums of India: